On the 4th Tuesday of every month at 10am CST Jill hosts a completely free one hour charism call open to anyone who has questions about charisms, their assessment results, or their ongoing discernment journey. This group session takes place on Zoom and is open to anyone who has questions, which will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. Christians of all denominations are welcome as charisms and spiritual gifts are given to all those baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Feel free to send in your questions in advance to insure they get time on the call!

{We reserve the right to remove anyone from the call who is disrespectful, rude, or displays hostility towards our shared interest in charisms and the building up of the Church.}


Our team is available to do one on one calls to help individuals in their charism discernment process. This call will be one hour to focus all and only on you and your charism discernment journey.
This can be invaluable if you find yourself stuck, confused, or blocked in discerning or using your charisms and need an experienced mentor to help you sort through what might be going on. Please note that there is a cost for this call to cover our coaches' time.
copyright Favoring Brave LLC 2023